Announcing Balanced Fitness

Balanced Fitness with Lisa Hill sitting on a roller.

I’m excited to announce a change in my business name to better reflect all of my learnings around health and fitness from the past 20 years. Introducing Lisa Hill Balanced Fitness – a name which I feel encompasses my way of teaching along with the benefits I can bring to all of my clients and a new name that I’m really proud of.

When I started my career in the fitness world over 20 years ago, I hadn’t anticipated how much I would learn and change in this time. From starting out as a gym instructor, moving into the world of Personal Training, becoming a Pilates Instructor and then in the last two years, qualifying as a MELT Instructor, as well as attending at least one course every year for 20 years, my knowledge and experience has grown and grown and is still growing. I believe the day you stop learning, is the day you stop living. As I write this, I am finishing off my MELT Level 5 training, which means I am at the highest level in MELT and can I tell you it’s a good feeling.

So, what does this mean for me, my business and my clients? It means that every client I work with gets a balanced approach to their session, for me, it means I get to use over 20 years of experience when I teach and for my business, it means I know that I can constantly evolve and change as we continue to learn more about how our bodies work and function.

As Lisa Hill Balanced Fitness, I am offering weekly classes which combine all of the disciplines I teach. I have my own studio in Wokingham, Berkshire and I offer 1-2-1 sessions, MELT classes and sessions for Older Adults. I also offer classes at St. Sebastian’s Church Hall and since March 2020, I have been successfully running online Balanced Fitness, MELT and Cardio, Strength and Conditioning classes for my clients and all my clients get access to a video library of over 100 videos.

I am also very excited to be launching a new class in June, which combines MELT with strength work. As a MELT Instructor, I am very aware that we can be inefficiently mobile, if we are insufficiently stable. What exactly does this mean? If you are lifting weights or performing moves in the gym and you are not stabilised in your shoulder girdle or pelvic girdle, you are at risk of injury. By combing MELT with strength work, it means that I will ensure that you are using the correct muscles for the correct exercise.

To ensure that my clients receive this balanced approach to their fitness goals, I ensure that I get to know all of my clients individually and I achieve this by stipulating that before any new client can join my community they are required to have an introductory face-to-face session. Following this 1-2-1 session, I will advise the best course of action depending on each client’s unique requirements. These sessions take place at my studio in Wokingham and together we then decide if the client joins my classes or continues with 1-2-1 sessions. This is something both myself and the client choose together so that they get the option that is right for them.

This is such an exciting time for me and I am loving being able to combine all of my knowledge and provide a Balanced Fitness approach to my clients and this is why I am proud to be launching Lisa Hill Balanced Fitness. It’s a win win for me and my clients, as I know that I will continue to learn and develop and my clients will continue to have classes that are good for their mind, body and soul. If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please do get in touch.

You Do You in 2022!

You do You T-shirt, Lisa Hill Pilates

What a couple of years we have had and the saying, “You do you!” couldn’t be more appropriate!  The  pandemic has been with us for 2 years, bringing with it turmoil and change along with a new way of working and living.  This is definitely true for my business.  Before the pandemic, I was running 18 Pilates classes and 1-2-1’s from my studio in Wokingham, Berkshire.  Once the doors were shut in March 2020, I began a new way of working by taking my Pilates classes online. I had no idea if it would be a success, but I knew I had to do something to keep my clients moving.  With ever-changing rules and lockdown restrictions, it has not always been easy, but as we approach March 2022, I now feel as though I have the business model that works for me and my clients.  Pre-pandemic, I think it would be fair to say that, Pilates was a face to face business. However the last two years have proved that anything is possible if you approach it with passion and hard work.

As with many businesses, we now have a hybrid way of working to embrace both online and in person. I feel really excited about my new way of working, which is predominately online, but I’ve now introduced face to face Pilates Workshops every half term.  This gives my clients the best of both worlds, the convenience and flexibility of online classes, but also the opportunity to join a class and allow me to provide hands on teaching and answer any questions, clients may have.  I think it is the perfect model. Couple this with a video library with over 85 videos available to clients, I feel I have all bases covered. With my online classes, I can do a lot of correction, but being able to adjust hands-on will allow my clients to understand where they may not quite be in the correct position. Having access to the video library means even when the clients can’t make a live class, there is no excuse not to do their Pilates 😀. I think it’s a win win.

The workshops will be run at Luckley House School in Wokingham (just around the corner from my studio) with ample parking.  The first 3 dates for the workshops have been set as follows, with more dates planned from September:

  • Saturday 26th March – 1pm
  • Saturday 14th May – 11.30am
  • Saturday 25th June – 11.30am

Places are limited to 20 people and you can book your place here.

My studio is now used for specialised classes and 1-2-1’s. I’ve also spent the last two years studying to further my knowledge and education. This has led me to setting up two Senior Strength and Stability classes for the over 65’s and becoming a MELT Instructor, which has allowed me to set up 6 week induction classes in my studio. Both have proved very popular and I love having people back in my studio.

Having a marketing background, I have always known how important it is to communicate with my clients and have an online presence.  The pandemic gave me the push I needed to have a proper website and also to spend resources on social media.  It was always on my list of things to do, but as we shift to an ever increasing online world, this has become a necessity, rather than a luxury.  I now have my own Google my Business page, Linked in profile and Facebook Business page and Facebook group. I also have a new website with a dedicated members area. I sometimes have to pinch myself, as I can’t believe how far I have come.

I now truly believe that the business model I have today, is the one that is here to stay.  As a one man band, it can be a scary place, but I have a great support network and amazing clients who have been loyal and stuck with me through the highs and lows of 2020/201. I’ve also got some catch phrases and I think they sum up both me as a person and Lisa Hill Pilates.  “You do you” and “What doesn’t challenge you, won’t make you stronger”. I am proud of what I’ve achieved and I’m so excited for the future. Thank you to everybody who has joined me for the journey, especially for the amazing support of the last 2 years.

If you have any questions, or would like to find out more about Pilates or MELT, please get in touch.