I feel very lucky to be able to say, that I really do love my job. However, as the famous quote from English poet Jon Donne says “No man is an island.” I believe that is true of the work I do. I’d like to share the way I work with some other local therapists for overall balanced wellbeing.
As a MELT Instructor, I am able to help clients lead a more active and pain free life. I love seeing the changes that can be made to both my client’s bodies and their wellbeing. However as we always say, MELT is not a cure and sometimes my clients will need to see other healthcare professionals to achieve the best outcome for their bodies and I am very privileged to work with many talented and experienced healthcare professionals.
When I first see a new client for their introductory 1-2-1, we will go through their medical and health history and this gives me the opportunity to talk to them about how MELT works, but sometimes, it can become apparent that the client may need help from another healthcare professional. This is the time that I can then recommend the most suitable person for them.
It is also very rewarding to know that a number of my clients are also healthcare professionals who come to my classes and will also refer their clients to me for balanced wellbeing. By having clients who understand the science behind MELT, it does mean that once again clients really do get the best out of all of their treatments.
One of my clients, Barbara Gornall is a Cranial Sacral Therapist and I asked her how she feels MELT fits with her work. She told me “I absolutely love MELT! It has been life changing from being stiff achey and compensating for dysfunction in my body to being able to move better. I also feel it is the missing piece of the jigsaw when it comes to my clients. As a Craniosacral Therapist, I see lots of clients with tension and dysfunction in their body. I release that tension and improve function during a treatment, but it is important for clients to be able to help themselves between their treatments and I often recommend MELT. In fact, I am so passionate about how MELT links so well with Craniosacral Therapy, I am taking the MELT training, so I can teach these techniques to my clients.”
As well as Barbara, I also work with Sharon Cole, a massage therapist and EMMETT practitioner. Sharon is a great advocate of MELT and has referred some of her clients to me. She told me “combining MELT and Emmett, is the best of both solutions. By releasing the tightness and re-tensioning the whole body, it helps to alleviate pain and mobility issues.”
It’s great to have a directory of professionals who care as much as I do about the health of the people they treat. Other therapists I work closely with include Sue Harrod, a scar tissue therapist. Some of my clients who I have referred to Sue have seen greater results from their MELT practice as a result of Sue’s amazing work. Sometimes, a client will require a hands on treatment and Amanda Waters of Back to Motion and the Wokingham Chiropractic Centre are always my first place to refer clients to.
I love the fact that I have a network of great people at my finger tips and it’s great to know that if I can’t help someone, I know someone who can. If you are wondering who I work most closely with, here are their details:-
Barbara Gornall – Cranial Sacral Therapist https://www.craniosacraluk.com/
Sharon Cole – Massage therapist and Emmett Practitioner – https://thelodgesmassagetherapy.co.uk/
Amanda Waters – Chiropractor – https://www.backtomotion.co.uk/
Wokingham Chiropractic Centre – https://www.wokinghamchiropractic.com/
Sue Harrod – Scar Tissue Therapist – https://www.sueharrodtherapies.co.uk/
Amanda Morris – Massage Therapist and Reflexologisthttps://amandamorrisholistics.co.uk/
Camilla Chawner-Davis – Holistic Therapist – http://www.barefoottherapies.co.uk/
How great to be able to offer clients a balanced approach to their wellbeing. If you have any questions or would like to find our more, then please get in touch.